How Offering Good Benefits Can Increase Your Productivity
If you’re a business owner, finding ways to increase your productivity is probably something that takes up a fair amount of your time. While things like task-management programs and SMART goals are the most common ways to work more efficiently, you may not realize that the benefits plan you offer can also play a significant role in your company’s overall productivity.
Reducing Sick Days
Perhaps the most obvious way that looking after your employees’ health can increase your productivity is by preventing lost time due to medical issues. Workers’ ability to access supplemental and preemptive healthcare beyond what is covered by provincial benefits can play a major role in the amount of time they need to take off for health issues.
Dental and Mental Health Sick Days
Keeping your employees healthy does not only apply to “normal” sick days, either. A study found that Canadian businesses lose more than 4 million working days each year from dental sick days.
The same can be said for mental health days. One of the greatest ways in which Canadian workplaces have changed since the beginning of the pandemic is the increased focus on mental health. Just like any other type of health challenge, having coverage to manage and support your employees’ mental health can help avoid the need for missed work days down the line.
Can Employee Satisfaction Increase Your Productivity?
The cost of benefits is relatively low compared to direct salary raises. But offering better coverage can legitimately increase your productivity by supporting your staff.
Employee Retention
One of the greatest killers of momentum and productivity is a lack of employee retention. This is a growing issue in Canadian workplaces, with a shocking 35% of Canadian companies (35%) noting increased employee turnover in 2022 compared to 2021 — showing an even greater loss of staff than during the “Great Resignation” of the year prior.
And if you don’t think that the benefits plan you offer has an impact on employee retention or happiness, you might need to think again. A 2020 report found that between 60 and 77 percent of workers would leave their current organization for one offering a lower base salary if they felt that they would receive better support for their well-being.
Increased Efficiency
If you’re hoping to get the best effort out of your team, simply keeping your employees happy can also directly increase your productivity. Research suggests that workers who feel supported by their employers are up to 20% more productive than those who do not.
Level Up Your Productivity with Benefits from Zarmac
Zarmac Benefits has been providing benefit programs to both new and established businesses for over 20 years. We take the time to analyze what you need and customize a benefits package specifically for your business style, now and for the future.
Zarmac provides substantial analysis specific to your business to deliver real choices, advise on trends, streamline renewals, and optimize your plan design. We make it easy for you and your team by supporting the management of your program. We also proactively educate and eliminate questions to ensure there are no surprises.
Ready to protect your business and your team? Find out more about the Zarmac difference!